Black gloss markings
shine in ceiling-fan light.
Who am I?
Question marks
crowd my Mind.
Stomach tightens
like a drum--
Hit me in the gut
& I'll hum
a visceral melody.
Orpheus Charm--
listen up & openly:
At the source of Life,
there is no separation.
There is one thing,
and it becomes many.
The possibilities of
what Life can become
are infinite.
Nature hath provided
I'll discern & report
the alchemy of the Poem
to the best of my ability.
Brothers & Sisters:
won't you join me in
Good Times!?!?
This is the fastidious freak,
Artemis Blithe!
Observe carefully,
but have fun.
There's no sense
in getting wound-up,
you'll just be undone.
It's sad that Cannabis
is called a drug.
It is quite possibly
the most medicinal thing on Earth.
Its effects are contingent
upon your current mood & motivations.
Some people are happy
playing video games.
I found acceptance.
I write so another human
can have the freedom to play
video games.
I mean to say:
do as you dream.
Not everyone has my biology or psychology.
Born an eagle,
taught to be a sheep.
Inside I wasn't meek,
but I acted to please.
There's only so long
you can charade--
I couldn't keep associating
w/ hypocrites.
I pulled-off the mask,
and sought my own spiritual path.
I became enamored w/ Zen.
So much so, that
lotus flowers
sprouted from my head.
I fell on hard times,
and lost track.
Jim Morrison, and
Nietzsche--I turned to next.
I became free and dangerous.
I went as wild as
my soundest rationale would allow.
Amor Fati!
My placard.
I forgot about everything.
I only cared for drinking whisky,
and reading philosophy--
I felt at home.
I found my kindred eagles, but
they were all dead and gone.
I enjoyed going to parties
w/ stale-as-year-old-bread
and showing them how to let go.
They did things big
in the city,
but they weren't as thoughtful.
They'd never seen a spectacle
w/ such substance.
They sure can drink and party,
but their callous shallowness
was hideous to witness.
I have always felt like
a shaman, or
a martyr.
Pain or Pleasure
are for the herd.
There is something greater!
Peel the layers back,
raw light and freedom remain.
Boundless energy, and Power.
My aim is ecstasy!--
The Ecstatic Revolution!
The Myth needs
a modern interpretation.
Forget the orgies--
we are not utilitarians.
We need to find
the one which makes us whole--
our Soul Symmetry.
I'm talking ex-static.
Instead of stagnate, flow.
Don't settle on an idea
because another human
tells you so.
If the music doesn't resonate
w/in you,
then you know it means nothing.
You must let it go, and
continue searching.
My head was weary from travel
until I found a home.
A sustainable lifestyle.
Nietzsche and Morrison
are my brothers,
but I am not them.
I cannot be them, nor act like them,
but only
learn from them.
Learn from me.
Follow these instructions:
Illuminate your skull
w/ what sets your world aglow.
For me,
it's Family.
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